Montgomery County Holiday Schedules for Christmas Day, Wednesday, Dec. 25 and New Year’s Day, Wednesday, Jan. 1 – MocoFeed
Posted on December 19, 2024
The Montgomery County Government and programs and services impacting County residents, will have schedule and program changes for Christmas Day, Wednesday, Dec. 25, and New Year’s Day, Wednesday, Jan. 1.
Schedule changes for Christmas Day, Wednesday, Dec. 25:
County offices—Closed.
MC 311—Closes early on Dec. 24, with hours 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed Dec. 25.
State offices and courts—Closed.
State Motor Vehicle Administration offices and Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program stations—Closed.
Libraries—Branches will close at 6 p.m. on Dec. 24. Closed Dec. 25.
Alcohol Beverage Services (ABS)—All stores open regular hours on Dec. 24. Closed Dec. 25.
Department of Permitting Services—Closed.
Ride On —On Dec. 24, will operate on a Weekday service schedule until 10 p.m. No new trips after 10 p.m. On Dec. 25, will operate a Sunday schedule.
Ride On Flex and Ride On extRa—On Dec. 24, will operate a Weekday service schedule. On Dec. 25, Ride On Flex and Ride On extrRa will not operate.
Flash—On Dec. 24, the Blue route will operate a regular Weekday schedule. On Dec. 25, the Blue route will not operate. On Dec. 24, the Orange route will operate a Weekday schedule until 10 p.m. No new trips after 10 p.m. On Dec. 25, the Orange Route will operate a Weekend/Holiday schedule.
MARC Train—Dec. 23-24 and Dec. 26-27. Trains will operate on “R” schedule on all three lines. No service on Dec. 25. For more information, visit the Maryland Transit Administration’s website .
TRiPS Silver Spring commuter store—On Dec. 24, open 6 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Closed Dec. 25.
TRiPS mobile commuter store—On Dec. 24, open 6 a.m.-1 p.m. Closed Dec. 25.
Metrobus—Will operate on a regular schedule on Dec. 24. On Dec. 25, will operate on a Sunday schedule. For more details, visit the WMATA website .
Metrorail—On Dec. 24, will operate on regular schedule from 5 a.m.-midnight. On Dec. 25, will operate on a reduced Sunday service schedule from 7 a.m.-midnight. For more details, visit the WMATA website .
Public Parking Garages, Lots and Curbside Meters—Posted rates and restrictions in effect Dec. 24. Free parking on Dec. 25.
County-provided trash and recycling collections—No collections on Dec. 25. Collections for the remainder of the week will slide one day, with final collections on Dec. 28.
Shady Grove Transfer Station and Recycling Center—Closes early at 3 p.m. on Dec. 24. Closed Dec. 25.
Aquatic Centers— Will close at 3 p.m. on Dec. 24. Closed Dec. 25. For additional information on adjusted holiday hours, visit Recreation’s website .
Community Recreation and Senior Centers—Will close at 3 p.m. on Dec. 24. Closed on Dec. 25. For additional information on adjusted holiday hours, visit Recreation’s website .
Schedule changes for New Year’s Day, Wednesday, Jan. 1:
County offices—Closed Jan. 1.
MC 311—Closes early on Dec. 31, with hours 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed on Jan.1.
State offices and courts—Closed Jan. 1.
State Motor Vehicle Administration offices and Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program stations—Closed Jan. 1.
Libraries—Branches will close at 6 p.m. on Dec. 31. Closed on Jan. 1.
Alcohol Beverage Services (ABS)—All stores open regular hours on Dec. 31. Closed Jan. 1.
Department of Permitting Services—Closed Jan. 1.
Ride On —On Dec. 31, will operate on a Weekday service schedule. On Jan. 1, will operate a Sunday schedule.
Ride On Flex and Ride On extRa—On Dec. 31, will operate a Weekday schedule. On Jan. 1, Ride On Flex and Ride On extRa will not be in service.
Flash—On Dec. 31, the Blue and Orange route will operate a Weekday schedule. On Jan. 1, the Orange route will operate a Weekend/Holiday schedule. On Jan. 1, the Blue route will not be in service.
MARC Train—On Dec. 30 and 31, trains will operate on the “R” schedule on all three lines. There will be no service on Jan. 1. For more information, visit the Maryland Transit Administration’s website .
TRiPS Silver Spring commuter store—Open 6 a.m–6 p.m. on Dec. 31. Closed Jan. 1.
TRiPS mobile commuter store—Closed Dec. 31 and Jan. 1.
Metrobus—Will operate on a regular schedule on Dec. 31. On Jan. 1, will operate on a Sunday service schedule. For more details, visit the WMATA website .
Metrorail—On Dec. 31, will operate on a regular weekday schedule, with service starting at 5 a.m. and ending at 2 a.m. On Jan. 1, will operate on a reduced Sunday schedule from 7 a.m.-midnight. For more details, visit the WMATA website .
Public Parking Garages, Lots and Curbside Meters—Posted rates and restrictions in effect Dec. 31. Free parking on Jan. 1.
County-provided trash and recycling collections—No collections on Jan. 1. Collections for the remainder of the week will slide one day, with final collections on Jan. 4.
Shady Grove Transfer Station and Recycling Center—Closes early at 3 p.m. on Dec. 31. Closed Jan. 1.
Aquatic Centers—Will close at 3 p.m. on Dec. 31. Closed Jan. 1.