On Tuesday, March 11, at 6:30 p.m., the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will hold a virtual (online) public hearing to discuss the proposed North High Street Extended project in Olney. The public will have an opportunity to provide testimony and ask questions.
The North High Street Extended project provides for the design and construction of a roadway extension of North High Street to Morningwood Drive in Olney. The project also provides a continuous 6-foot-wide sidewalk on the south side of North High Street and ADA-compliant pedestrian access from Morningwood Drive.
At the public meeting, MCDOT will present project details, costs, and the project schedule. MCDOT will also obtain public testimony and answer questions. Public input is encouraged and may influence the final design of the project.
For updates and link to press release, see here: http://www2.montgomerycountymd.gov/mcgportalapps/Press_Detail.aspx?Item_ID=46584