Rockville, Maryland – Montgomery County Maryland Inspector General Megan Davey Limarzi announced today the release of a new Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report, County Usage of Field Orders, OIG Publication #25-06, detailing the results of the OIG’s review of Montgomery County’s use of field orders in construction projects. The review was initiated in furtherance of the OIG’s mission to promote efficiency and effectiveness in county programs and operations and promote accountability.
The County’s $5.7 billion Capital Improvements Program (CIP) funds construction and renovations of County facilities and infrastructure. In limited circumstances, departments administering construction contracts may access contingency funds through the use of field orders. A field order is a limited and specific written directive modifying the scope of work outlined in a previously approved contract. Field orders carry a heightened risk for possible fraud, waste, or abuse because they are not subject to the same types of requirements as other contract modifications and are usually issued and approved entirely within the using department.
Through this review, the OIG found some County departments used inconsistent processes when approving and issuing field orders, and lacked proper justification to support their use. The OIG made 2 findings and 2 associated recommendations that when implemented will help to ensure the consistent processing of field orders and limit potential abuses across all departments in County government.
The full report can be found at