Montgomery County Council Meets on March 11 to Hold Public Hearings on the More Housing N.O.W. Package
For Immediate Release: Monday, March 10, 2025
Also on March 11: Council will celebrate Women’s History Month
The Montgomery County Council will meet on Tuesday, March 11 at 9:15 a.m., and the meeting will begin with a proclamation, presented by the full Council, celebrating Women’s History Month.
More detail on each agenda item is provided below.
District Council Session
Vote expected: The Council is expected to vote on Local Map Amendment (LMA) H-154, which is a request to rezone the property located at 11900 Parklawn Dr. in Rockville. The property is approximately 2.15 acres and contains a 48,810-square-foot, four-story office building with a surface parking lot. The applicant, Arcland Property Company, LLC, requests the property be rezoned from EOF-0.75, H-100’ (Employment Office Zone) to ILF-1.0, H-55’ (Light Industrial Floating Zone). The applicant proposes construction of a new, 104,628-square-foot, three-story self-storage building with 34,118 square feet of additional cellar space. The Hearing Examiner recommends approval of the local map amendment.
Vote expected: The Council is expected to vote on a resolution to confirm the County Executive’s appointments to the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund Commission. The appointees include Donna Baird, Nadia Brown, Yvette Butler-Yeboah, Eddie Ellis, David Feehan, Colin Fraser, Harold Hill, Roman Ipanag, Kim Jones, Dustin Koonce, Venice Mundle-Harvey, Zakiya Sankara-Jabar and Vanita Taylor. The 13-member commission advises on the allocation of tax revenue from the sale of cannabis.
The Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund Commission consults with the County’s Office of Grants Management, which must develop and administer a public process for community-based organizations to apply for grants that support community-based initiatives intended to benefit low-income communities and disproportionately impacted areas.
Consent Calendar
Each item on the Council’s Consent Calendar can be found on the Council agenda for Tuesday, March 11, which is available on the Council website .
Public Hearings at 1:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 11 at 1:30 p.m. Residents can visit the Council website to learn about the multiple ways to provide testimony .
Public hearing and vote expected: The Council will hold a public hearing and is expected to vote on a resolution to approve the financial assurance plan to meet the requirements of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit.
Maryland law requires that each NPDES Phase I MS4 jurisdiction submit a financial assurance plan to the Maryland Department of the Environment every two years. The Council approved the previous FY22 Financial Assurance Plan on March 14, 2023. The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) completed the FY24 plan based on actual FY19-24 expenditures and the Approved FY25 Operating Budget and Approved FY25-30 Capital Improvements Program (CIP).
The plan demonstrates that the County has sufficient funding to complete the impervious surface restoration plan as required in the 2021 Maryland Phase I NPDES-MS4 Permit. In addition, the plan demonstrates that the County has dedicated revenues, funds or sources of funds to continue to meet requirements associated with improving water quality in the County.
Public hearing and vote expected: The Council will hold a public hearing and is expected to vote on a more than $2.1 million supplemental appropriation for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) from the MCPS restricted fund balance for unspent FY24 state funds for the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Career Advising Program. Any unspent funds for the program at the end of the fiscal year must be appropriated in the next fiscal year to support the program. The appropriation will be used to support college and career readiness of all MCPS secondary students.
MCPS has collaborated with WorkSource Montgomery and Montgomery College to develop the Career Advising Program. In alignment with the Blueprint’s college and career readiness pillar, the goal of the program is to ensure students have the knowledge and skills for success in college and the workforce by their 10th grade year and can enter a post-college and career readiness pathway that builds on the students’ strengths.
Public hearing and vote expected: The Council will hold a public hearing and is expected to vote on a more than $2.2 million supplemental appropriation for MCPS from the MCPS restricted fund balance for unspent FY24 state funds for the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Community Schools Program. Any unspent funds for the program at the end of the fiscal year must be appropriated in the next fiscal year to support the program.
The appropriation will be used to strengthen wraparound services to students and families at Community Schools to remove barriers to learning and provide positive, equitable environments where students can thrive. In collaboration with the Office of Well-Being and Student Services, and the Department of Student Engagement and Behavioral Health, and in alignment with the school needs assessment plan, Community School services include workshops, extracurricular activities, professional learning, as well as providing supplies for family resource centers at the community schools.
Public Hearings at 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.
The Council will hold the following hybrid public hearings at 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Residents can visit the Council website to learn about the multiple ways to provide testimony .
Public hearings will also be held at 1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on the following legislative and zoning measures included in the More Housing N.O.W. (New Options for Workers) package, which takes steps to increase the supply of housing, drive down costs, and increase homeownership in Montgomery County. This legislative, zoning and budget package, led by Planning, Housing and Parks Committee Chair Andrew Friedson and Economic Development Committee Chair Natali Fani-González, is focused on building more workforce housing, converting highly vacant office property to housing, and creating pathways to homeownership for residents.
- Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 25-02, Workforce Housing – Development Standards
- Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 25-03, Expedited Approvals – Commercial to Residential Reconstruction
- Subdivision Regulation Amendment (SRA) 25-01, Administrative Subdivision – Expedited Approval Plan
- Expedited Bill 2-25, Taxation – Payments in Lieu of Taxes – Affordable Housing – Amendments
The Council meeting schedule may change from time to time. View the current Council and Committee agendas, Council staff reports and additional information on items scheduled for Council review on the Council website .
Council and committee meetings are streamed live on the Council’s web page via YouTube and on Facebook Live and can be watched on County Cable Montgomery on Xfinity/RCN 6 HD 996/1056, Fios 30, and on the CCM live stream .
Release ID: 25-081
Media Contact: Sonya Healy 240-777-7926, Benjamin Sky Brandt 240-777-7884
For updates and link to press release, see here: