Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich Appoints First Office of Food Systems Resilience Director Heather Bruskin.
Ms. Bruskin is an expert in food security, economy, education and environmental policy creation and implementation.
The County is home to approximately 1.05 million people, of whom 87,190 (8.3% of total population) are estimated to be food insecure according to Feeding America’s Meal Gap Map.
There are significant disparities in risk for hunger in our community, particularly related to race (8-14 percent food insecurity rates for Black and brown residents compared to just 5 percent of white residents) and age (14 percent or 34,000 residents 18 & younger.) The OFSR will develop a case management system for residents experiencing food insecurity and the long-term strategy for government investment in community nonprofits in the food security sector.
Two additional staff positions focused on data analysis, policy strategies, and community engagement will be posted for recruitment soon and hired this Spring.“Launching this innovative new office will connect my passion for building resilience, justice, and sustainability in our food system to a role in public service,” said Ms.Bruskin.
“I look forward to a continued partnership with the community toward systems change, expanding upon the County government’s investments in ensuring equitable and dignified access to nutritious, culturally diverse foods for all residents.” “It also will be important that we harness the unique strengths of business, nonprofit and government partners to enhance the health of our people, our economy and our natural resources”.
For full press release, see here: