Federal employees returning to in-person work can take advantage of accessible and convenient transit services from the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT). MCDOT Ride On buses service Federal work locations across Montgomery County and larger transit hubs to facilitate travel into Washington, D.C. Additionally, passengers who ride Metro buses or rail receive a free same-day transfer to Ride On buses.
“For those looking for commuting solutions, the good news is that the region is better connected than ever before, and in Montgomery County, public transit is affordable with a fare of $1 for all MCDOT Ride On buses,” said Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich. “MCDOT has steadily increased bus service over the last few years, with faster, high-frequency bus service that uses sections of dedicated bus lanes and traffic signal priority to reduce congestion impacts on bus speed.”
“Ride On has a growing ridership, with weekday ridership up to 58,000 in 2024 from 46,000 in 2023,” said MCDOT Director Chris Conklin. “The County hosts quite a few federal institutions and the hope is that employees returning to worksites will give transit a try and keep this momentum moving in a positive direction.”
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