Wheaton, Md. – The Montgomery County Planning Board and the Montgomery County Planning Department , both part of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), announced their July 2024 calendar of events and meetings. The public can participate in Planning Board meetings by testifying in-person , testifying virtually , over the phone, or by sending in written comments to the Planning Board. Information about submitting written testimony and testifying live at Planning Board meetings can be found below. Contact us for accessibility accommodations .
The public may attend Planning Board meetings in-person, watch them live or on-demand , or listen over the phone. View individual agendas , which are usually made public 10 days prior to the start of a meeting. Consult the Development Review Committee (DRC) and Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) websites for their agenda information. For more details, review the list of events below and visit www.montgomeryplanning.org . These events are subject to change.
The Planning Department and Planning Board offices will be closed on Thursday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day.
July Calendar of Events and Meetings
July 2 – The Development Review Committee (DRC) will meet in-person and virtually. The community is invited to attend the meeting in-person or online by watching the DRC live video stream or viewing on-demand. The DRC is an inter-agency task force comprised of representatives from Montgomery Planning, the State Highway Administration, the county departments of Permitting Services, Environmental Protection, and Public Works and Transportation, and utilities such as WSSC and PEPCO. At these regularly scheduled meetings twice a month, DRC members discuss development applications with the applicants.
July 8* – The Planning Board will hold its weekly meeting in-person (2425 Reedie Drive, 2 nd floor, Wheaton, MD) and online. *This is the rescheduled Planning Board meeting from July 4.
July 10 – The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) will hold its meeting in-person at M-NCPPC’s Wheaton Headquarters (2425 Reedie Drive, 2 nd floor, Wheaton, MD) with a virtual option available upon request. To testify on an agenda item, sign up no later than 9 a.m. the day before the hearing.
July 16 – The Development Review Committee (DRC) will meet in-person and virtually. The community is invited to attend the meeting in-person or online by watching the DRC live video stream or viewing on-demand.
July 17 – The M-NCPPC will hold its monthly Full Commission meeting.
July 18 – The Planning Board will hold its weekly meeting in-person (2425 Reedie Drive, 2 nd floor, Wheaton, MD) and online.
July 18 – Planning Board Chair Artie Harris moderates the Planning Board’s first fall/summer 2024 speaker series events, “Intersection: Land Use and Housing Supply, a National and Local Perspective.” Read more about the discussion and the panelists . The speaker series sessions are open to the public and will be held at The M-NCPPC’s Wheaton Headquarters (2425 Reedie Drive, Second Floor Auditorium, Wheaton, MD) from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. They will also be livestreamed and available on-demand on the Planning Board website.
July 24 – The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) will hold its meeting in-person at The M-NCPPC’s Wheaton Headquarters (2425 Reedie Drive, 2 nd floor, Wheaton, MD) with a virtual option available upon request. To testify on an agenda item, sign up no later than 9 a.m. the day before the hearing.
July 25 – The Planning Board will hold its weekly meeting in-person (2425 Reedie Drive, 2 nd floor, Wheaton, MD) and online.
July 30 – The Development Review Committee (DRC) will meet in-person and virtually. The community is invited to attend the meeting in-person or online by watching the DRC live video stream or viewing on-demand.
For updates and link to press release, see here: https://montgomeryplanning.org/?p=56851