For Immediate Release: Thursday, April 25, 2024
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will host a free family-friendly, student-led “ Community Safety Day ” event from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday, May 11, at the Carver Educational Services Center (CESC) in Rockville. The fair will highlight driver, bike and pedestrian safety with interactive and educational experiences including safety demonstrations, workshops, games and hands-on activities for all ages.
The Carver Educational Services Center is located at 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. The event will be in the parking lot.
“Ask any parent or teacher, and it is no great secret that young people will listen to and pay attention to each other more than to adults,” said Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich. “We have found that peer-to-peer messaging, such as our Vision Zero public safety communications efforts through our Youth Ambassador program, is more effective in convincing our youth to make smart and potentially life-saving decisions. It’s encouraging to see our young people get involved and want to spread awareness about an important topic like traffic safety. These efforts are part of our commitment to making Montgomery County safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.”
Safety Day was organized by members of the County’s Vision Zero Youth Ambassador program. Students in the program completed a group project that encompasses engineering and education topics to address local traffic safety needs. The program’s goal is to equip young adults to be the next generation of traffic safety leaders.
County high school students apply annually and are competitively selected to be youth ambassadors for a four-month program. Ambassadors who complete the program gain extensive knowledge about the County’s Vision Zero initiative, meet County leaders and earn up to 35 Student Service-Learning Hours (SSL). Vision Zero Youth Ambassadors planned and will be working the event, sharing valuable tips and tricks through activities.
“Keeping our residents safe is our highest priority,’” said MCDOT Director Chris Conklin. “This event is a great opportunity to highlight the importance of safely walking, biking and driving, as we work together to achieve our Vision Zero goals.”
The event is for all ages, from seasoned cyclists to school-aged children and will feature unique and fun activities for the whole family, including:
- Traffic Garden: Young children can enjoy the interactive traffic garden, a safe zone to try biking through miniature streets and learn how to navigate crosswalks and other traffic-related situations safely.
- Raffles: Hourly raffle drawings and giveaways featuring essential safety gear that will help keep everyone protected on the roads and sidewalks.
- Interactive Activities: Attendees can visit interactive demonstrations and games, including a bike helmet melon drop and safety trivia, as a fun way to learn about safety.
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and Montgomery County Recreation are co-sponsoring the event along with MCDOT.
“Thousands of Montgomery County Public Schools students and staff get to and from school each day by walking, riding a bicycle, or driving,” said MCPS Interim Superintendent of Schools Monique Felder. “This event provides an important opportunity to spread awareness about safety and ensure that our families have the knowledge and resources they need to practice safe behaviors on sidewalks and on the roads.”
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Release ID: 24-195
Media Contact: 240-372-2282
Categories: Transportation
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